Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Personal Shoot: Burglar Concept

I recently did a personal shoot. The original concept was sparked during a movie I was watching. There was a particular scene in this movie where the actress was standing in a dark living room and there were car lights outside that were coming in through the window and illuminating the woman with a hard shadow, contrast rich light. So I created a concept shot of a burglar lurking in a living room setting. I chose a similar style of lighting along with the addition of a second blue gel grid light to provide some edge detail in my subject as well as to cast some color onto the background walls. After I did the first shot I had originally planned for, I decided to have some fun and go for a mood that was a little more on the humor side showing a burglar taking a lunch break.

Shot Details:
Nikon d200
Sigma 17-35 lens (at 35mm)
F 5.6
s 1/250
ISO 100
Key: norman stobe with grid at 800ws
Rim Background: norman strobe with blue gel & grid at 400ws

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog, you should consider adding the "Follow This Blog" option into your blog content so people can follow you.

    ps. I like photography and this is a great photos. Really movie-like screenshot :)

    this is my hobby blog with photos.
